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How to Quickly Win Your Team’s Trust: Instant Strategies for Leaders

How to Quickly Win Your Team’s Trust: Instant Strategies for Leaders

Trust must be earned and it isn’t something that can be purchased, borrowed, or even traded. Gaining the trust of your juniors at work as a leader makes all the difference between a team that sticks together and one that’s always looking for ways to find the exit door. But how will you as a CEO or a manager cultivate that elusive quality of trust at your workplace in record time? If you think it will take you years of building relationships to achieve trust among your teammates, then you are definitely wrong. With the right moves, you can win the trust of your team more faster than you could ever imagine.

Show, Don’t just tell

Let’s be real, anyone can do the talking but those who will stretch further to show the action of their words might stand a chance to earn people’s trust far more easily. I do believe that we’ve all heard the big promises made by some of our leaders who often promise transparency, open communication, and support to communities, only for them to vanish into thin air when things get rough. As a leader, you just have to show your worth beyond a collection of motivational quotes if you want to gain someone’s trust in no time. So what are you waiting for? Roll up your sleeves to get in the field and let your actions speak for themselves.

Communicate more directly

It’s fair to say everyone has had the experience of reading an email filled with corporate vernacular that somehow says exactly nothing. If you want your team to trust you, cut out all the unnecessary information and be more straightforward in your communication. People are more likely to trust someone who communicates to them more directly on their level rather than someone who passes instructions from a senior level. Humor can also be a useful tool in your regular communication routine if employed properly, since it shows your juniors that you’re relatable at work and not just another boss issuing instructions. A well cracked joke or a lighthearted remark can break down barriers with your subordinates and make you seem easy to approach and work with.

Consistency! Consistency! Consistency!

Try to consider a leader who is fully committed on Mondays but disappears by Wednesday. This kind of inconsistency is actually the quickest path to losing your team’s trust at work. Your staff has to see that you are dependable every single day regardless of what comes your way for you to earn their trust. I understand this is not easy sometimes, but it’s all about being dependable on the important things that matter at work, keeping your word, and making fair decisions on a consistent basis.

Admit when you’re wrong

Let me tell you a little secret, acknowledging your mistakes won’t make you look weak but trust me, sweeping them under the rug will. Leaders who are willing to take responsibility for their wrongs will be able to show self awareness and this is a trait that their teams will value and give more respect to. Everyone is prone to mistakes, so the next time you drop the ball, don’t ignore it but apologize if necessary and focus on making things right. This is the level of transparency you will need to build trust and set a strong example for the rest of your team. 

All it takes for you to win over your team’s trust is a lot of sincerity and a little of your belief towards them. Take the courage and speak with clarity to your juniors, also try to maintain consistency in your actions at work, and who knows? You might end up building your dream team that works for and depends on each other.

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